The good news from the orthopedist is that it doesn’t look like 7 of 8 has any structural issues with her foot…we’re a little sensitive on the subject given that 4 of 8 did that whole surgery thing last year for tarsal coalition.
The other news is that the orthopedist also suggested that we look into getting 7 of 8 a brace for her left foot and leg as she continues to make progress from the effects of the ischemic stroke she experienced in utero.
So it was off to the orthotic maker we went.
There’s a whole sub-culture to the orthotic designer. I asked our orthotic specialist and she said that a lot of the people she has worked with and trained with are second and third generation orthotic specialists. It’s one of those specialties that you may not even realize exsits…until you need it.
We had the casting for the mold made late last week and then received a call this week that the brace was complete.
We went for a brace made in a light purple with butterflies.
It was that or light blue with butterflies.
There were about ten choices in ‘boy’ prints–trucks, camo, rockets, blue tie-dye, soccer…
I asked the orthotics specialist if this skewed pattern choice was because they saw more boy patients than girls. She said that, no, the numbers run about even, but that girls seem to be more willing to accept ‘boy’ patterns than the boys do the ‘girl’ patterns.
I’m gonna have to push the girl pattern agenda if this brace thing continues.
4 of 8 had last year won the Octamom Family Prize for most expensive single footwear. She has now lost the crown to 7 of 8’s fourteen hundred dollar beauty.
Good thing we had met our deductible.
So admire. Admire deeply. That purple butterfly pattern is gold.
And if it helps straighten out that little left foot and put it in a better position for walking, it’s worth every penny.
Every single one.
I think we've had that same pattern on a brace before. My oldest daughter (now 10) has worn a back brace for Scoliosis since she was 7. Modern medicine (bracing!) is wonderful!! Hope it doesn't bug her too much the first week or so…it did Bekah, but she got used to it and now it's just a part of her. We'll be praying for her little footsie!!
Bless her little heart. It's awesome that you are able to get the brace put on, though. So many can't, ya know? She looks like she is being a very brave little girl in the photo.
What a sweet little girl.
I personally would have gone with camo or fairy princess toadstools.
My girl!! She is going to rock the lavender/blue with butterflies! I can't wait for the day when you can't keep up with her. love you all!
Yes, it's definitely worth every penny to see her walking perfectly. I will continue to keep you beautiful little daughter in prayer for healing. Please stop by my blog and pray for my niece's ear today!
She's a little doll sitting there! Love those legs…! And the beautiful eyes of course….
I agree. Girls need more choices, too. Sounds like a job for Supermom… er Octamom.
Praise God for deductibles….well at least sometimes.
Do you know what I love? Deductibles. Do you know what else I love? Co-pays. I especially love envelopes with bills inside them! I'm so excited I think I'll go and look at it again all anew.
And then I'll pass out.
The fact that you have met your deductible doesn't sound like a happy thing, necessarily.
Wow, how far they've come with the braces! And how old I feel š
I was born with crooked feet (38 years ago) and my feet were casted and when those came off I had to sleep with my feet in shoes that were nailed to a board.
I hope the braces help 7 of 8 to make leaps and bounds (literally :]) in her progress.